Biraj Borkataria is always looking at the details to determine how they affect the big picture. As an analyst for RBC, ranked #7 globally for his sector, he’s a respected voice in the discussion around Big Energy’s transition toward climate solutions. In this Part 3 of our Green Hydrogen series, Biraj and I aim to take stock of how Green Hydrogen is developing through the lens of major global energy players. What is tipping the scales? Who is working together now and what role does the government play? How can we separate hype from reality, what innovations are inevitable, and who can participate in the revolution? Is there space for startups? Where are the billion dollar investments going? Will the Supermajors play along?
If you’re new to the Hydrogen discussion, you’ll also appreciate the description on the “colors of hydrogen” (blue, black, green, what?), scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions defined, carbon capture ventures versus renewable hydrogen production, and even the details about carbon regulation in the European market vs the US. It’s technical, it’s eye-opening, and it’s packed into 55 minutes - fair warning, you may need to listen twice!
This is part three of our Green Hydrogen Mini-Series. You can follow along and learn more about our experts at
Episode 1 - Nexus of Deep Decarbonization & “The Inevitability of Hydrogen” with Sheldon Kimber, CEO Intersect Power
Episode 2 - The Green Hydrogen Opportunity with DNVs Global Energy Storage leader and Hydrogen Industry Veteran, Jason Goodhand
Episode 3 - The Role of the Large Energy Companies, partnership opportunities, existing infrastructure, and more from a top 10 Oil & Gas analyst, RBC’s Biraj Borkhataria
Episode 4 - Role of New Technologies - with Raffi Garbedin, Co-founder of Electric Hydrogen (formerly CTO of First Solar) (*coming December 20th)
Episode 5 - Decarbonizing Hard-to-abate Sectors Like Steel with Joachim Von Sheele, Global Director of Commercialization at the world’s largest industrial gas company, Linde, who is also building the world’s largest Electrolyzer. (*coming December 21st)
Biraj joined RBC Capital Markets’ energy research team in 2013 and covers the large-cap integrated energy companies. In the latest II Survey he ranked as the #7 analyst in the sector, and was the highest ranked analyst outside of the US. He is also RBC’s Deputy Head of European Research and helps support the wider management team.
Find Biraj on LinkedIn.
Follow RBC Capital Markets on Twitter and their website.
Podcast: Redefining Energy
RBC’s Energy Transition Series
Enabling the hydrogen ecosystem business case
Go To The Green Hydrogen Series Page
Nico Johnson is the creator and host of SunCast, consistently rated a top solar podcast in the clean energy sector. The content of the show is geared towards listeners looking for insights on where the markets are headed, how to position themselves or their companies, and what today's market leaders do to stay ahead of the pack.
Nico is an Investor, Executive Coach, and 15-year veteran of the solar industry, having led development in the US and Latin America for global companies like Trina Solar and Conergy.
You can connect with Nico Johnson on Twitter, LinkedIn or email.
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