Welcome back, Solar Warrior. This is a SunCast Rewind that’s also a Tactical Tuesday, typically a short form conversation with subject matter experts designed to give you the practical tools, tips, and advice for building your solar business or career.
Today is a special collaboration with Mike Casey from Tigercomm as host of our Quarterly Podcasters Roundtable. Originally recorded live as a video interview (watch it on youtube!), this idea was inspired by Tigercomm's quarterly Cleantech Editor's Roundtable series, which has grown in popularity during the pandemic. As it progressed, we kept hearing from people who wanted to hear from cleantech podcasters. While the full-time editors have a breadth of view, our podcaster panelists have depth of view because their shows delve into companies, leaders and trends.
Today, we feature seven cleantech podcasters:
Marie Burgquist, Watts Up Podcast
Nico Johnson, SunCast
Tim Montague, Clean Power Hour
Bill Nussey, Freeing Energy
Josh Porter, SolarCoaster
Jon Powers, Experts Only
Julia Pyper, Political Climate
Connect with Marie on LinkedIn and check out Watts Up Podcast.
Connect with Tim on LinkedIn and check out Clean Power Hour.
Connect with Bill on LinkedIn and check out Freeing Energy .
Connect with Josh on LinkedIn and check out SolarCoaster .
Connect with Jon on LinkedIn and check out Experts Only .
Connect with Julia on LinkedIn and check out Political Climate .
Remember you can always find the resources and learn more about today’s guest, recommendations, book links, and more than 380 other founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com.
Or, start a conversation with Nico Johnson, on Twitter, LinkedIn or email.
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The following are Corporate Partners who have helped make SunCast possible:
In my 20 year career, I've worked with dozens of entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and professionals in transition to clarify their mission, set or stretch their goals, and work through the barriers to their growth.
Don’t hesitate to reach out—whether you’re here to learn, share ideas, or work with us, we’re ready to connect.