Welcome back, Solar Warrior!
Today’s guest is Martin DeBono, and he is by no means a stranger to distributed energy and high growth working in the startup industry. However, he didn't cut his teeth in solar energy. In fact, he has had a bit of an unorthodox entry into alternative energy. We talked about this especially in his first episode about a year ago where he mentioned being a decorated officer on a nuclear submarine in the US Navy.
He has led sales and marketing for companies you'd recognize such as Cisco, Siebel, Insightful, and Pure Networks. He even headed SunPower's residential North American business and global commercial business before taking on the role he currently has as President of GAF Energy. We're going to get into how the new GAF Energy product rollout is going and what it means for the residential market looking forward.
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Check out the GAF Energy website
224 - How GAF Energy's Martin DeBono Brought Tech Sales To Solar
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