Welcome back, Solar Warrior!
Happy Holidays to those of you who are catching up on your backlog of SunCast.
As we head into the end of the year, it's often filled with a lot of stories a lot of time traditionally spent around the table around the cocktail, happy hours with our friends reminiscing and telling tall tales. I thought it'd be fun, as we have so many stories on the solar coaster to tell some tall tales, some true tales, and as such wanted to bring back an old friend.
Perhaps you were one of those who's been with us from the beginning, then you'll recognize today's guest, Mr. TJ Kanczuzewski of Inovateus Solar, we're gonna dive into some of his war stories, battle-tested from the front lines.
TJ has been with Inovateus since 2007. Driven by the Inovateus pledge to “Build A Brilliant Tomorrow,” he has been instrumental in developing a world-class solar team that has successfully deployed solar energy projects and products internationally. Currently, he is focused on expanding the companies efforts in the Mamoni Valley Preserve by inviting other investors and companies to join in the opportunity to come and learn from Mother Nature in one of the world's biodiversity hotspots.
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Thanks a ton to our podcast sponsors, PowerHub and FIMER for continuing to help make this content FREE to You! Please check them out and let me know what you think!
Connect with TJ on LinkedIn and Twitter
Check out the work of Inovateus Solar on their website.
Check out the efforts of the Mamoní Valley Preserve on their website.
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In my 20 year career, I've worked with dozens of entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and professionals in transition to clarify their mission, set or stretch their goals, and work through the barriers to their growth.
Don’t hesitate to reach out—whether you’re here to learn, share ideas, or work with us, we’re ready to connect.