Episode Description

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Welcome back, Solar Warriors!

Happy Friday! I love the Friday crowd, you’re such committed infinite learners!

And your curiosity will be rewarded today. If you didn’t meet today’s guest during our SunCast Weekly Roundup, Live at SPI video series, then you’re in luck because Fatima Ahmad is one of the most knowledgeable folks I know on how Congress gets informed on the climate crisis and how they can take action.

Did you even know that there’s a House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis? Neither did I. And what’s more, they’ve compiled a VERY comprehensive document to help guide legislators and it’s a 547 page treasure trove of information! But you don’t have to go dig through it all yourself, no no, that’s why Fatima is here today.

We’re going to give you the insider’s notes on the report: “SOLVING THE CLIMATE CRISIS: The Congressional Action Plan for a CleanEnergy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America”. So don’t go anywhere!

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Read the Report. SOLVING THE CLIMATE CRISIS: The Congressional Action Plan for a CleanEnergy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America

Summary of the Report

Plummeting Solar, Wind, and Battery Costs Can Accelerate our Clean Electricity Future

Americans for a Clean Energy Grid, Consumer, Employment, and Environmental Benefits of Electricity Transmission Expansion in the Eastern U.S. (Oct. 2020)

House Select Committee On The Climate Crisis: One-Page Summaries

Noteworthy Quotes:

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Nico Johnson

Entrepreneur & Podcaster

In my 20 year career, I've worked with dozens of entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and professionals in transition to clarify their mission, set or stretch their goals, and work through the barriers to their growth.

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